
Cedar Kitayama Kyoto


北山杉の良さを、今求められているカタチに。Cedar Kitayama Kyoto(シダー北山京都)は、京都市を拠点にした京都産北山杉を使ったサステナブル木材燃料や木工品を販売するブランドです。文豪、川端康成は「清滝川の岸に、急な山が迫って来る。やがて美しい杉林がながめられる。


Cedar Kitayama Kyoto is a retail brand based in Kyoto, that produces and sells sustainable wood fuel and woodwork products using Kitayama Sugi cedar.

Yasunari Kawabata, one of the greatest writers in Japan, expressed in the novel “KOTO – Old City”. “A steep mountain is approaching the bank of the Kiyotaki River. Before long, a beautiful cedar forest is seen. You can see at a glance the care of people. Kitayama logs can only be made in this village. ”
However, due to the decline of forestry and the lack of successors, this beautiful scenery is disappearing from Kyoto. We would like to help preserve this beautiful mountain scenery and clean water of Kyoto by continuously purchasing Kitayama Sugi cedar at a fair price from the producers.

For us, using wood like Kitayama Sugi cedar is not only for efficient energy and seeking comfort, it’s about making aware of the healing effect of the wood, visually and physically. We want many people to enjoy the versatility of the wood by actually using it. And we hope this can lead to a sustainable life after all.

Cedar Kitayama Kyoto(シダー北山京都)は地域団体商標「北山杉」「北山丸太」の使用許可を受けた事業者で、原材料となる北山杉、北山丸太は京都北山丸太生産協同組合より購入。加工は主に「みやこ杣木」認定事業所にて行っています。

今後はCedar Kitayama Kyoto(シダー北山京都)の商品を使った木育を目指すイベントも企画し、より多くの方へ北山杉、北山丸太の普及啓発活動を行うほか、一部の作業を就労支援施設などに外注し福祉と林業がつながるよう事業を拡大していきたいです。

Cedar Kitayama Kyoto is a licensed brand to use the trademarks of “Kitayama Sugi” and “Kitayama Log”. We purchase the raw materials of Kitayama Sugi cedar and Kitayama Log cedar from Kyoto Kitayama Maruta Cooperative Association and we process our products mainly at “Miyako Somagii” the certified factories.
Nowadays, Kitayama Sugi cedar logs are less often used as floor pillars in tea rooms and houses in Japan. We have been re-designing products of Kitayama Sugi cedar in the form demanded by the world. Eventually this will increase the chances of being seen and known by more people who agree with us. By doing so, we aim to revitalize the mountain by increasing the number of businesses.
We produce wood fuel, interior goods, toys, etc. using Kitayama Sugi cedar and Kitayama Sugi cedar logs. And those are used as interior items and also for outdoor activities too. As for our wood fuel, we design them to fit the interior decor so that it can be stored in the house for emergency situations such as power outages (used only outdoors). Also, by making it smaller, it is easier to handle firewood and fire itself, for women and children who are not familiar with bonfires.
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